Feelings and emotions in pregnancy

You are pregnant and you are in emotional rollercoaster, feeling many emotions then what to do?
Pregnant people, for vomiting what you can do.

Symptoms generally resolve by mid-pregnancy, whether or not you require any treatment.
Constipation in pregnancy

Constipation in pregnancy can often be remedied by lifestyle modification.
Symphysial pain or posterior pelvic girdle pain (PGP)

Pelvic girdle pain is common complaint during pregnancy. It can be in front that is symphyseal pain, or posteriorly that is posterior pelvic girdle pain.
Decreased fetal movements

Most women start feeling a fetal movement called ‘quickening’ by 20 weeks.
Round ligament pain in early pregnancy

The uterus is a boneless structure. It needs support to be in position. The round ligaments are cordlike structures 10 to 12 cm long, connecting the front and upper part of uterus to the groin region to hold it in position.
Pregnancy brain or Baby brain, is it real?

“Pregnancy brain”, “momnesia” or “pregnancy fog” and after delivery “baby brain”- are these real?
Pregnancy does not start with periods

I am confused. Did my pregnancy started from the first day of my last periods, is it possible?
Your queasiness can be a good sign in pregnancy.

Feeling like throwing up in pregnancy and you are worried.