The uterus is a boneless structure. It needs support to be in position. The round ligaments are cordlike structures 10 to 12 cm long, connecting the front and upper part of uterus to the groin region to hold it in position.
During pregnancy, due to enlarging uterus, round ligament stretches and causes pain on its attachemnt area on groin. Round ligament pain is common and a normal in pregnancy.
Round ligament pain exclusively happens in pregnancy but rarely may happen outside pregnancy with endometriosis involving round ligament.
Women often describe round ligament pain as aches, cramps and sharp, stabbing or pulling sensation in groin region. It can be for few seconds or several hours. It can happen repeatedly during pregnancy.
The pain may occur on one side of the body or both sides. It usually lasts only a few seconds, but it can last hours. It often happens repeatedly during the second trimester.
As pregnancy progresses, the round ligaments become softer and might stretch and pain may ease up.
Round ligament pain may worsen when you move suddenly (for example, standing or sitting quickly, sneezing, coughing or laughing
The pain often occurs upon waking and rolling over in bed or during rapid movement or vigorous activity.
To relieve round ligament pain, try gentle stretching and changing your position. Avoid rapid or repetitive movement. Flexing your hips before you cough or sneeze might also provide relief. No medication is necessary. Taking acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) might help, however.
Pain in the lower abdomen can have other causes, too — some serious. If you have pain accompanied by fever or chills, pain with urination, pain with bleeding, or moderate or severe pain, call your health care provider
. Rest and yoga exercises may help, and you may want to avoid sudden movements. Seek medical attention right away if you have abdominal pain plus other symptoms
If you experience frequent round ligament pain, try:
It’s not always possible to prevent round ligament pain. But you may be able to reduce the sudden movements that sometimes cause the pain:
Talk to your healthcare provider about exercise during pregnancy.
Round ligament pain is not dangerous for you or your baby. It’s not a sign of a problem or a symptom of a disease or complication.
After pregnancy, hormone levels drop, and the uterus and surrounding ligaments return to pre-pregnancy size. So round ligament pain goes away after pregnancy.
Abdominal pain can be a symptom of other conditions, whether you’re pregnant or not. Seek medical attention right away if you have abdominal pain and other symptoms, such as:
A note
Round ligament pain is common and normal during pregnancy. As the uterus and surrounding ligaments stretch to make room for baby, it can cause short, painful spasms. Rest and other home remedies may help. But call your healthcare provider if you have pain that won’t go away or pain and other symptoms.