My Pregnancy

Decreased fetal movements

Decreased fetal movements

Most women start feeling a fetal movement called ‘quickening’ by 20 weeks. Women who have already had pregnancies can start feeling fetal movement as early as 18 weeks. 

Fetal movements can be anything from a flutter, kick, swish or roll.

The maternal perception of fetal movement is linked with fetal wellbeing as research has proven. Decreased fetal movements is only a valid concern after 24 weeks of pregnancy.

How should pregnant people perceive fetal movement?

As all babies are different in extrauterine life, they differ in intrauterine life as well.

Pregnant women are no longer advised to count the instances of fetal movement a day as it was in the past. Instead, you will naturally get to know the patterns, manner and frequency with which fetal movement occurs.

Pregnant woman should learn the normal pattern and number of movements for her own baby, as it is individualized. A change in the normal pattern or number of fetal movements may mean the baby is under stress. If that happens then you should report it to the hospital the same day to confirm fetal well being. 

In the third trimester, pregnant women may find changes in the  pattern of fetal movement, like it may change from swishes or rolls to kicks, although  frequency should remain same. It’s not normal for a baby to stop moving with the start of labor.