My Pregnancy

Feelings and emotions in pregnancy

Feelings and emotions in pregnancy

You are pregnant and you are in emotional rollercoaster, feeling many emotions then what to do?

Its very normal  to have mood swings during pregnancy and these are different for different women and can be different for same women during different pregnancies.

The good news is that you will be even tempered self again.

Ways to enhance your sense of wellness 

How to cope with them.

1- Eat well: Sustained energy will help keep you calm and collected.

2- Get exercise: Take a walk each day. Fresh air will refresh you. 

3- Prioritize sleep. Rest often. 

4- Accept help with household chores and shopping.

5- Educate yourself about pregnancy and birth. it will make you feel more confident and in control.

6- Talk to your loved ones: don’t bottle up your concerns. Explain to them that you might occasionally snap or react in a surprising way. 

7- Celebrate the parent that you are becoming. Visualize your baby floating comfortably in your uterus. 

8- Show yourself grace and kindness. Don’t beat yourself up if you overreact to a situation, indulge in a tantrum, or are having a melodramatic minute.

9- Live in the moment. Give yourself a rest from being future oriented. 

10- Talk to a therapist if you feel like.