How to Distinguish Between Real Labor and False Labor

Understanding the difference between real labor and false labor can help you determine when it’s time to head to the hospital or call your healthcare provider.
Understanding Crash Cesarean Sections: When Every Second Counts

In the realm of obstetrics, few procedures are as urgent and life-saving as a crash cesarean section.
Understanding Braxton Hicks Contractions

As you progress through pregnancy, you may experience various types of contractions.
Understanding Water Breaking During Pregnancy

The phrase “water breaking” is commonly associated with the onset of labor. It refers to the rupture of the amniotic sac, which releases
My Journey of Womb Dilation: A Personal Story

The journey of womb dilation, or cervical dilation, is a critical part of labor and delivery.
Monitoring During Labour & Fetal Heart Auscultation

Intermittent auscultation of the fetal heart rate is an essential practice for monitoring the well-being of the fetus during labor
Cord Blood Banking: What You Need to Know

Cord blood banking involves collecting and storing your baby’s umbilical cord blood after delivery.
Position and Techniques for Pushing During Labor

The timing of pushing during labor, whether delayed (waiting for the urge to push) or immediate (pushing as soon as the cervix is fully dilated),
Directed vs. Spontaneous Pushing During Labor

Childbirth is a personal and unique experience for every woman. Understanding the different methods
The Debate on Delayed vs. Immediate Pushing During Labor

The timing of pushing during labor, whether delayed (waiting for the urge to push) or immediate (pushing as soon as the cervix is fully dilated),