My Pregnancy

Postpartum - Vaginal Care After Delivery

Vaginal Care After Delivery

After a cesarean delivery, it is important to take care of your vaginal area to promote healing and prevent infection.
Here are some general guidelines for post cesarean vaginal care:

Keep the area clean

Use mild soap and warm water to clean the area around your vagina, especially after using the bathroom. Pat dry with a clean towel. This can help prevent irritation and infection.

Avoid tampons

Avoid using tampons or any other vaginal products, such as douches or powders, until your doctor clears you to do so.

Wear loose clothing

Wear loose, comfortable clothing that allows your vaginal area to breathe. Cotton underwear is a good choice, as it is breathable and absorbs moisture.

Check for signs of infection

Watch for signs of infection, such as fever, chills, foul-smelling discharge, or increased pain and redness in the vaginal area. Contact your doctor immediately if you experience any of these symptoms.

Always follow your doctor’s instructions for post-cesarean vaginal care and contact your healthcare provider if you have any concerns or questions.