My Pregnancy

Cluster headache during pregnancy (primary pregnancy)

Cluster headache during pregnancy (primary pregnancy)


A relatively rare primary headache, seen in less than 0.3% of pregnancies and affecting men more frequently than women. 


Cluster cycle

The6 usually come in groups 1 to 3 headaches per day or every other day for weeks at a time and then not have any for a year or more before they start again. It also been called “ alarm clock headache” due to regular periodicity of the attacks. 


They are also known as “suicide headaches“ due to its severity. Its highly debilitating and stabbing quality.


– Almost always one sided. 

– Typically same side in single cluster cycle

Pain site

Pain typically occurs behind or around the eye and / or in temple. However pain can radiate to the forehead, cheek, nose, or the back of the head. 


The attacks last 30 to 60 minutes 


During attack woman may be restless and can’t stand still while it happen.

Associated with autonomic symptoms  

Along with the pain, you may also have watery eyes, congestion, and a red, flushed face.

Effects of pregnancy

Cluster headaches attacks do not change in intensity and frequency in the majority of cases.  


Women who have their first attack before their first gestation usually have fewer children than those who already were mother at the time of clinical onset. 

This is probably due to the prospective of the treatment limitations in case of attacks during pregnancy, woman choose to not become pregnant