My Pregnancy

Syphilis during pregnancy

Syphilis during pregnancy

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. When a pregnant woman is infected with syphilis, the bacterium can be passed to the developing fetus, which can lead to serious complications. The effects of syphilis during pregnancy can vary depending on the stage of the infection and whether it is adequately treated. Here are some potential effects of syphilis during pregnancy:

  1. Early syphilis (primary, secondary, early latent):

– Miscarriage

– Stillbirth

– Preterm birth

– Congenital syphilis: This can lead to a range of serious health problems in the newborn, including:

    – Skin rashes

    – Bone deformities

    – Enlarged liver and spleen

    – Jaundice

    – Anemia

    – Meningitis

    – Deafness

    – Hutchinson’s teeth (notched and widely spaced teeth)

    – Snuffles (chronic nasal discharge)


  1. Late syphilis (tertiary, late latent):

– Fetal death

– Congenital syphilis: Late-stage syphilis can result in severe complications in the newborn, such as:

    – Developmental delays

    – Neurological problems

    – Blindness

    – Deafness

    – Dental abnormalities

    – Bone abnormalities

    – Heart problems

It is crucial for pregnant women to receive early prenatal care, including screening for syphilis, to detect and treat the infection promptly. Syphilis can be effectively treated with antibiotics, especially when diagnosed early. Routine screening for syphilis during pregnancy is recommended to prevent the transmission of the infection to the fetus and to reduce the risk of adverse outcomes.

If a pregnant woman is diagnosed with syphilis, it is important for her to follow her healthcare provider’s recommendations for treatment and monitoring to protect both her health and the health of the fetus. Regular prenatal care, early detection, and appropriate treatment are essential in managing syphilis during pregnancy to minimize the risk of complications for the mother and the baby