My Pregnancy

Do not eat liver during pregnancy

Do not eat liver during pregnancy

Liver contains very high doses of vitamin A, which can cause birth defects in baby. risk is much higher during initial 60 days of pregnancy however risk is still there beyond 60 days throughout the pregnancy.

The daily requirement of vitamin a is 2400 international unit for general population.

While a single serving of 3 ounces of liver a contains 22000 international unit of vitamin A, which is 7 to 9 times higher than our daily requirement. 

Even if some one is deficient in vitamin A and are on vitamin A therapy, it should not exceed 10000 international units per day.

There is no demonstrated benefit of taking higher doses.

Our every day diet contains enough vitamin A to fulfill the daily requirements like single half cup serving of spinach contains 2000 international units while single half cup serving of raw carrots contain 1500 international units of vitamin A.

Besides dairy and other vegetables like red bell peppers, tomatos and other fruits also are rich source of vitamin A. 

So if you are planning pregnancy or already pregnant then avoid liver or vitamin A supplementation.