My Pregnancy

Can unborn baby inside mama belly hear sounds?

Can unborn baby inside mama belly hear sounds?

The unborn baby inside mother’s belly changes position frequently in response to stimuli like sound, pain and light.

The hearing system of unborn baby inside mother becomes fully functional from 25 weeks’ gestation. So your developing baby can hear your heartbeat, breathing, your voice, burping, digestive gurgling and sounds caused by your body movements. 

The fetus responds to sounds by moving or increasing the pulse. 

Loud sounds can cause hearing loss

Consistent loud noise can damage your hearing, same way it can damage baby’s hearing in the womb. 

For adults consistent noise that is 85 decibels (dBA) or more can cause hearing loss. At this noise level, you would have to raise your voice to be heard by someone next to you. Examples are hair dryer, power lawn mower, chainsaw, hand drill and hammer drill. 

For developing babies consistent noises exceeding 115 dBA can hearing loss. The CDC warns prospective mothers against such loud noises. Examples are chainsaws, ambulance sirens, gunfire, jet engines, blaring music, loud concerts, and so forth. 

Harmful effects of noise which does not reach threshold of hearing loss

– While you can protect yourself from noise by ear plugs. However too much noise can cause you stress. Your stress can cause changes in your body that can affect your developing baby

– Non-damaging loud sounds can startle babies in the womb.